33.i go to wangsa walk with my family ❤

 my meomories❤
smile everyday :)

today i am so happy.y leh?

the answer is.

=today i go to wangsa walk with my family lark^^


i go to popular.and go to see can buy wat things to use==

and then i saw novel'再看一眼'~
i am so lucky today.york^^
then i buy lark(buy with  own money.kesian lark.pokai jork lor)==

bcoz der novel so expensive lark==(RM20.00.no discount leh)

then i buy paper?=.=

then.buy sweet lark(i like to eat sweet lork)(later tooth decay lor(hehe)

then.go to carefour lork>.<

my mummy buy many things(include buy furniture)

and then .decoration my house lork''

although i want pokai jork(haha)

but i am happy today lor^^

good9 everyone>.<


